[This is a monthly roundup of articles on photography in the Middle East and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Photography Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in roundups to photos@jadaliyya.com.]

Upcoming Events:

Lecture by Ania Dabrowska about her project Lebanese Archive, Beirut, Lebanon
At Ashkal Alwan, 12 May, 8:30pm.

A Guest Without A Host Is A Ghost. Exhibition and various events at multiple locations in Cairo, Egypt, May 2014 - January 2015.
A Guest Without A Host Is A Ghost brings a selection of contemporary artworks from the Kadist collections in Paris and San Francisco on a nine-month residency to Cairo. From over 500 existing entries in the Kadist collection, a group of thirty artworks were invited to reside as temporary guests in the city.

Occupied Pleasures by Tanya Habjouqa, 20 May - 10 July 2014, Dubai.
At the gallery East Wing (a platform for internationall photography).


Contemporary Image Collective (CIC) in Cairo, Egypt seeks an artistic director.

LensCulture Emerging Talent Awards 2014, Deadline: 22 June
"Emerging photographers, regardless of their age, are encouraged to enter. We consider an `emerging` photographer as anyone who has not yet received significant international recognition."


This Place
A long-term project that brings together twelve internationally acclaimed photographers to depict Israel and the West Bank as a diverse and fragmented place.

Photographs: A Perspective on History from an Unusual Angle, Akhir Kalam (The Last word)
The Egyptian talk show, hosted by Yosri Foda, discusses photo archives in Egypt with guests Lucie Ryzova (historian), Emad Abu Ghazi (former minister of culture and photo historian), and Hala el-Koussy (artist).

Atrocities Revisited: Conflicts and Cruelty in Iran, The Guardian
Iranian photographer Azadeh Akhlaghi’s project reconstructs seventeen infamous deaths in Iranian history.

A Change in Atmosphere in Central Syria, The New York Times
Photography by Sergey Ponomarev.

And Women Shall Lead: Lynsey Addario on the New Face of Afghanistan, Time Lightbox
Photojournalist Lynsey Addario reflects on her fourteen years of visiting Afghanistan and covers the campaigning of female vice presidential candidate Habiba Sarabi.

Images of the Arab World, In Houston, The Daily Star (Lebanon)
An interview with Lebanese photographer Samer Mohdad, who participated in the recent FotoFest in Houston, Texas.

Frozen in Time: The Cyprus Buffer Zone, The National
Photos of the abandoned buffer zone in Cyprus.

Female in Gaza, The New York Times
Photographs of a diverse range of women in Gaza - including surfers, singers, students, and police - by Monique Jaques.

Blue Tram, Mada Masr, Panorama
An interactive photo capturing Alexandrians on their commute.

After the Revolution: Interior Lives in Egypt, Time Lightbox
Belgian photographer Bieke Depoorter documented family life in the homes of 30-40 random strangers when she stayed over for a few nights.

The School, Mada Masr, Panorama
Photographs by Omnia Arfin of Tawasol, one of the best state schools in Egypt in the middle of an informal settlement of Cairo called Establ Antar.

Moises Saman’s Return to Iraq, The New Yorker, Photo Booth
Photos from a recent trip to Iraq by photojournalist Moises Saman.

Syrians on Treacherous Trek to Safety, The Associated Press, The Big Story blog
AP photographer Hussein Malla photographs Syrian refugees entering Lebanon at night via a dangerous mountain path.

Child Refugees in Lebanon, VII Photo
Photos by Jost Franko.